
Firstly hello, I'm Amanda. I am a wife, mother to three awesome dudes and the face and woman behind That's so Sweet. My desire is to build a business doing what I love, creating deliciously decadent desserts.

Amanda Hall creator of That's So Sweet

After years of baking for my loved ones, I decided to share my passion with others, creating my home-based business, That's so Sweet.

With an offering of custom cakes, sugar cookies and cupcakes, all That's so Sweet products are baked from my council registered home kitchen in Botanic Ridge, Victoria, 3977. The joy that comes with sharing my baked goods with others has ignited my passion that is only set to grow stronger over time.

'Knowledge has a beginning but no end'- Geeta Lyengar

I firmly believe in the adage that you never stop learning. I can't wait to continue to further my knowledge and skills in the area of baking and put smiles on my customers face.

Enough about me, back to the kitchen to create your sweet treats.

But for you take a look around, shop or enquire for your next event.